Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas Visit

The Pauley Family. We try and take a family Christmas picture every year on the front porch. We missed out on last year since we stayed in Japan. So here is this years picture. Left to Right: Beck, Brandon, Jackson, Emily (Me), John, Kyle and his girlfriend Christina.
Jackson playing with the Christmas tree at Nanny and Poppies house.

Brandon, Jackson and I, In Japan a few days before we came home. Sasebo Park all lit up with Christmas lights.

I love this picture and that's why I'm posting it. Brandon and Jackson playing in the backyard at Brandon's parents house. Brandon grew up here and somehow it seemed sentimental to me to watch them walking hand in hand.
We came home for Christmas for 2 weeks. All 3 of us. It was quite the trek with a 15 month old, but oh so worth it. We had so much fun. And it went way to fast. We tried hard to split time between families and friends. Tried to see everyone we could during the 2 weeks. It was a wonderful Christmas.
The day we were leaving, up early in the morning doing those last minute things before our flight. Brandon suggested that I stay behind. He had to go back, he's on his way out to sea again. But he said he wanted me to be safe at home spending time with our family while he was away. He didn't want our fun time to end just because he had to go back. He said to stay. So I did. It was terribly hard to have to say goodbye to my husband right there in the spur of the moment. I wasn't prepared for it at all. He'll be gone for quite awhile. I miss him so much. But it really does make it easier to be here at home with a huge support system and friends to see. So here I am...again. Hopefully I'll get to see you all during our visit.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Wow that must have been hard to make a decision like that at the last minute. My hubby left for Japan before we did so we could let the kids finish school and he could get us into housing. It was miserable, even knowing that half the time he was deployed anyway. I have only made th flight out here and do not have any desire to get back on that awful plane anytime soon! lol
I hope you enjoy your time with your family- that was very sweet of your husband to make that suggestion.