Jackson is 21 months old now! Only a few more months until he's 2. I can hardly believe it's gone by so fast. He's getting bigger by the minute it seems. Everyday he is learning more, and he amazes me. He's talking up a storm and has quite the vocabulary. I love all of his facial expressions and excited noises. He's such a happy little guy. Saying that Jackson is active is an understatement. He is running and climbing and jumping on everything. And that's ok with me, he's a healthy boy. But I don't think I've ever been more tired at the end of the day. Staying one step ahead is impossible, so I just try and keep up. Brandon is in and out to sea a lot these days. So Jackson and I are spending a lot of quality time together. We've been enjoying the summer, blazing heat and all. We hope all of you are enjoying the sun as well. Happy Summer!
6 years ago
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